The below code uses a nice mechanism to send commands to ESP8266 and wait for Response and print it. The example uses a temperature sensor (connected to A0) to upload the data to sparkfun cloud using TCP protocol.
#include "SoftwareSerial.h" SoftwareSerial Serial1(2,3); void sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse (char *cmd, char *resp, bool waitForResponse, int duration) { String bytes; Serial.print ("CMD: "); Serial.println(cmd); do { Serial.print("."); Serial1.println (cmd); delay(duration); bytes = Serial1.readString(); } while ( (waitForResponse) && (bytes.indexOf(resp)<0)); Serial.print ("RESPONSE: "); Serial.print (bytes.c_str()); Serial.println("\n------------------------------"); } // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin 13 as an output. pinMode(9, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); Serial1.begin(9600); // Setup Wifi as STA and connect to AP sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse ("AT+CWMODE=1", "", false, 5); sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse ("AT+CWJAP=\"SKS Cottage\",\"kayar123\"", "OK", true, 50); sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse ("AT+CIPMUX=0", "OK", false, 50); } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { int rawvoltage= analogRead(A0); float millivolts= (rawvoltage/1024.0) * 5000; float temp= millivolts/10; //celcius sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse ("AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"\",80", "Linked", true, 10); char cmd[200],cipsend[100]; sprintf (cmd, "POST /input/QGyLQKYb71F2Q1qMqQER?private_key=JqyBXeWg9ViqeBy9yevR&temperature=%d.%04d HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n Host:\r\n\r\n", (int)temp,(int)trunc((temp-(int)temp)*10000)); sprintf (cipsend, "AT+CIPSEND=%d",strlen(cmd)); sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse (cipsend, ">", true, 10); sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse (cmd, "", false, 10); delay(10000); }
The below code is modified to push data to ThingSpeak cloud.
#include "SoftwareSerial.h" #define WIFISSID "SKS Cottage" // WIFI Username #define WIFIPASS "kayar123" // WIFI Password #define SERVERIP ""// Server to post the update. "" #define POSTURL "POST /update.json?api_key=MR00DLM5QJLAYZ9C&field1=" //"POST /input/QGyLQKYb71F2Q1qMqQER?private_key=JqyBXeWg9ViqeBy9yevR&temperature=" // Use this for SoftwareSerial Serial1(2,3); void sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse (const char *cmd, const char *resp, bool waitForResponse, int duration) { String bytes; Serial.print ("CMD: "); Serial.println(cmd); do { Serial.print("."); Serial1.println (cmd); delay(duration); bytes = Serial1.readString(); } while ( (waitForResponse) && (bytes.indexOf(resp)<0)); Serial.print ("RESPONSE: "); Serial.print (bytes.c_str()); Serial.println("\n------------------------------"); } void connectToWIFI() { String cwjapCmd = "AT+CWJAP=\""; cwjapCmd+=WIFISSID; cwjapCmd+="\",\""; cwjapCmd+=WIFIPASS; cwjapCmd+="\""; sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse (cwjapCmd.c_str(), "OK", true, 50); } void connectToServer() { String cipstartCmd = "AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\""; cipstartCmd += SERVERIP; cipstartCmd += "\",80"; sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse (cipstartCmd.c_str(), "Linked", true, 10); } // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial1.begin(9600); // Setup Wifi as STA and connect to AP sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse ("AT+CWMODE=1", "", false, 5); connectToWIFI(); sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse ("AT+CIPMUX=0", "OK", false, 50); } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { int rawvoltage= analogRead(A0); float millivolts= (rawvoltage/1024.0) * 5000; float temp= millivolts/10; //celcius connectToServer(); char cmd[200],cipsend[100]; sprintf (cmd, "%s%d.%04d HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n Host: %s\r\n\r\n",POSTURL, (int)temp,(int)trunc((temp-(int)temp)*10000),SERVERIP); sprintf (cipsend, "AT+CIPSEND=%d",strlen(cmd)); sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse (cipsend, ">", true, 10); sendToESP8266AndWaitForResponse (cmd, "", false, 10); delay(10000); }
This is also intersting. I would like to see a wiring diagram if possible. What temp. sensor is used? DS1820?